DC Water Enhanced Nutrient Removal Facilities

McKissack &McKissack provided DC Water with architectural and engineering services for new facilities and upgrades to the existing Enhanced Nutrient Removal Facilities (ENRF) to meet the discharge limits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. This allowed the ENRF to reduce the level of nitrogen from the cleansed wastewater that DC Water discharges to the Potomac River.
The  Enhanced Nutrient Removal Facilities are part of the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, which has successfully been removing nitrogen  since 1999 and has exceeded the Chesapeake Bay Agreement goal of removing 40% of the total nitrogen in the effluent from the plant. The program determined  the most cost-effective means of treating wet weather flows and established a reliable and robust treatment system. McKissack provided project management, project planning and administration, preparation of the concept finalization report, architectural and civil/sediment control design, value engineering, permit acquisition, bid phase services, and document reproduction coordination.


Washington, DC


DC Water

Project Type




Construction Administration
Pumping Stations & Reservoir Design

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